Here at the Mobile Music School, we pride ourselves on delivering high quality music classes in schools nationwide. Each year we deliver workshops, short programmes, and classroom music programmes to hundreds of schools, libraries, youth centres and language schools nationwide! Each week, our tutors are working hard across the country to provide high quality music classes in schools. This week, we’ll be taking a deep dive into our Violin programme- what it is, what’s involved, and when a school might be interested. Read on to learn more about this fantastic primary school programme!

Music Classes in Schools- Our Violin Lessons

Each student’s individual needs are taken into account during these lessons. Students work at their own pace, with our tutorthe helping each student to receive their full potential. Firstly, in these classes, students develop their music notation skills. Secondly, they build their confidence performing weekly, which helps to boost their self-esteem as musicians. Thirdly, these lessons give students a sense of achievement by developing their technical and musical abilities as violinists. As well as music theory and performance skills, our tutor also develops the skills and technical ability of each student. Students learn set pieces weekly, and there will be plenty of classroom performances! Schools also have the option to organise Christmas and end of year concerts that classes can work towards.

Our Violin Lessons Aim to:

  • develop the technical proficiency of every student on their chosen instrument
  • develop each students understanding of music theory and music notation
  • give students a life-long love of music

How do these classes work in schools?

Our Violin programmes can last anywhere between 18-30 weeks. Schools provide their own violins.

Our tutor will come to your school weekly, and take the same classes each week. A full day consists of either 6x45mins classes, or 8×30 mins.

If one of our music programmes is of interest to you, please contact us to discuss what we can do for you in further detail.

Interested in booking a workshop or programme? Contact us here.