Here at the Mobile Music School, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality TY workshops. Our ‘Let’s Drum’ workshops prove to be one of our most popular TY workshops every year. Each year, we travel nationwide with our series of workshops, delivering engaging and interactive content across all age groups. However, you may wonder- what’s actually involved in a workshop visit? Read on to learn all about what happens during a workshop day in your school!

TY Workshops- How does it all work?

First things first, to book in a workshop with us, you’ll get in touch with a member of our team, via email, phone call, or social media. Our office manager Fiona will send you on a booking form to confirm your booking with us, and we’ll put you in our diary- it’s really that simple!

On the day, our tutor will arrive 3o minutes beforehand to set up for the workshop. We’ll usually set up in a large space such as a hall or canteen. Our tutor will set up a range of different percussion instruments from all around the world, and each student will get a turn on each instrument. Each student will have a chair, and the chairs will be set up in a circle, to accommodate the station learning that will take place during the workshop.

Once the appointed time of the workshop rolls around, the students will file into the hall, and we’ll be ready to start!

Drumming Workshops

Our hands on music making workshops introduce students to the world of music.  These drumming workshops firstly introduce the students to the instruments of the percussion family. Secondly, they explain the role and importance of a drummer in a rock band and highlight how drummers learn rhythms. Further, the activities during the workshop include lots of rhythm work and activities that are designed to improve every participants ability to listen while giving them a platform to develop their creativity. As mentioned above, station learning is incorporated, and the workshops are super interactive and engaging. The whole idea is that students are learning a lot about music without realising they are learning. Every workshop culminates in an end of workshop performance of the material covered.

Interested in learning more about our TY workshops? Get in touch here.