Here at the Mobile Music School, we spend our entire year delivering music programmes and secondary school and transition year workshops nationwide. Our transition year workshops have been on the go since 2011! Since then, we have finely tuned our workshops, and learnt so much along the way. Further, we’ve taken these lessons on board, to have our workshops at the best possible standard. Considering this, read on to learn five things we’ve learnt since we’ve started our transition year workshops in 2011!


Transition Year Workshops: 5 Things We’ve Learnt Since 2011!

  1. Organisation is key! We’ve learnt over the years that our organisation has to be airtight to ensure the best quality workshops. Considering this, a few years ago we developed a CRM system, and a new booking form, to ensure there was no room for error on an organisational side. We’ve seen a huge improvement in our bookings since we’ve done this, and our workshops are running a lot smoother as a result!
  2. Team work is essential. Everyone has to be on the same page, from our office, to the tutor, to the school, and even the students! We’ve learnt the importance of teamwork over the years, and as a result, we really encourage it amongst our team. We have regular training days and sessions, and our tutors are in constant contact with each other for learning, help and support. Since we’ve implemented more of a teamwork aspect, we’ve seen massive improvements, in our workshops, in our office, amongst our tutors, and for overall morale.
  3. Interactive all the way! We’ve learnt that the more interactive the workshop, the better! The interactive elements of our workshops is the key ti their success, and the key to engaging the students, so that they get the best of out the session.
  4. Good communication is so important. Communication between us and the school making the booking is crucial. Considering this, we now not only get all the necessary info on the booking form, but we also send a confirmation email, and check in the week of the workshop, to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  5. Schools need to be prepared for our visit. We’ve found over the years, that when a school isn’t properly prepared for our visit, unfortunately the workshops don’t go as well. This could be as simple as not having the gate open for our tutor to access parking, not having a space to facilitate the workshops, or even forgetting the workshops were taking place. The more prepared the school are, the better the visit.

For more info on our transition year workshops, get in touch here.