Here at the Mobile Music School, we pride ourselves on delivering quality music lessons for primary schools nationwide. However, due to Covid-19, we’ve had to adapt how we run our programmes. Whilst our programmes are still classed as an essential service, not every school has the ability to facilitate an in-person programme. However, we feel so strongly about the benefits of music education, that we’ve devised some online music classes for primary schools! These classes proved so successful, that we developed a special set of workshops for Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021! Our online Seachtain na Gaeilge workshops saw us work with eighteen different schools and libraries. Read on to learn all about these workshops!


Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Week) is an international Irish language festival and one of the biggest international celebrations of our native language and culture. The festival runs from 1 – 17 March every year. Schools nationwide spend this period learning about the Irish language, music and culture. Our busiest time of year, Seachtain na Gaeilge is a great opportunity for us to fuse our passion for music with our passion for Gaeilge.


Music Lessons for Primary Schools- Learn and Explore

This year for Seachtain na Gaeilge, we offered our Learn and Explore workshop, either as Gaeilge, or incorporating Gaeilge, depending on the school’s preference.  As our team is lucky to have facilitators who speak fluent Irish, we could offer a “craic agus ceol” workshops aimed at either children who are currently in primary school or family workshops.

Our workshops included lots of interactive and fun music making games that everybody could participate in from home or school, sticking to the theme of Seachtain na Gaeilge!

Each workshop took place on Zoom, and was structured to suit a range of age groups or indeed the entire family.



We were delighted to receive such positive feedback from these sessions, including:

“Bhí sé go hiontach!! Moladh mór. That was very enjoyable. The children really loved it and participated.” – Maire, Naíonra Tír na nÓg

“Go raibh míle maith agaibh do na ceardlanna ceoil ar Zoom á chuir an Mobile Music School ar fáil do na daltaí scoile ar an 23 Feabhra. Bhí na ceardlanna éagsúla ar árd chaighdeán agus árd mholadh tuillte don láithreoir chumasach a d’oibrigh go han dian ar an lá. Ag súil le cuairt chun na scoile ón Mobile Music School nuair a socróidh rudaí síos arís. “-Seán Mac Cárthaigh, Príomhoide, Gaelscoil Chluain Dolcáin.

“Thanks for today’s lesson- they loved it!” – Fergal, St Paul’s SNS


For more information on the workshops and classes we offer, contact us here.