Learning a musical instrument and practising in between music lessons can be hard sometimes, but not for these students who form musical groups and practise together! Last week we looked at the importance of warming up through fun-based activities. This week we will see how our recorder students have been inspired to learn beyond their music lessons, teach each other new songs and perform together.

Inside ‘Recorder in the Classroom’ – Part 2: Learning Beyond the Lesson

‘We Will Rock You’

  • Three of our talented Recorder students are also in the school band in Portlaoise Educate Together NS.
  • They love forming music groups with their friends and learning new songs together using the skills they’ve learned with us and in band practice.
  • It’s great to see our students so eager to learn and showcase their musical skills!



‘The Entertainer’

  • We’re always delighted to see that our recorder students are forming a passion for music and are eager to improve their musical skills outside the classroom by practicing challenging piece like this ragtime one!



‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’

  • We love the enthusiasm from our 4th class Recorder students!
  • These three students formed a music group themselves and decided to learn a new song as their own homework project and perform it for the class.
  • Our aim is always to inspire a passion for music in students and to boost their confidence performing in front of an audience.



Classroom Music Programmes

To find out more about what’s involved in our classroom music programmes, please visit the classroom music page of our website.


Get in Touch

To learn more about how our classroom music programmes and how they can benefit your school, please get in touch with us to discuss these options in further detail.

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Stay Tuned!

Inside ‘Recorder in the Classroom’ – Part 3: Practice Makes Perfect coming next week!


Missed Out?

Catch Part 1: Full Music Warm-up