There’s been a lot of excitement the past few weeks in Gaelscoil an Bhradain Feasa as Rang Richella (third class) earned a place featuring on a documentary recently recorded in the school by TG4, due to all their hard work.

In the clip, the children demonstrated how good they are at reading music, their ability to perform as an ensemble, as well as their excellent listening skills. The recording really highlighted how professional these students are at playing and controlling their percussion instruments. We cannot wait to see the documentary when it airs on TV!


The other classes are also making great progress. Fifth and Sixth class are practicing their music theory and are currently learning about the notes of the treble clef. They are also trying to improve their reading notation and are working hard towards performing as part of a percussion ensemble.

Fourth class are working on their listening skills and are showing great improvements. The next step for them will be to learn the dynamics, which is bound to be lots of fun as we elect children from each class to conduct and control their classmates.

Tá an Mobile Music School in ann ceardlanna agus ranganna ceoil a chur ar fáil I nGaeilge. Breathnaigh ar an leagan Gaeilge den suíomh greasáin seo