Here at the Mobile Music School, we have been delivering our children’s music entertainment events nationwide, over the last few years. From brass quintet, full orchestra, live band performances, and everything in between, we have brought it all nationwide, delivering amazing children’s music entertainment events. There are so many benefits to these live music events for children! Read on to find out five amazing benefits to our children’s music entertainment events.


Development of Motor Skills

Moving and dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. Motor skills are skills that enable the movements and tasks we do on a daily basis, and it’s really important that children develop these skills from a young age. Even attending concerts gives children the chance to move around to music and develop these skills.

Setting a foundation of musical ability

Introducing children to the world of music from such an early age gives them a solid foundation of musical ability for life. Children who take part in music events are more likely to play an instrument later on in life. These children will also develop an appreciation and understanding of music early on. This appreciation for music will carry on through to their adult life as well.


The most important benefit of children’s music events is simply that they are a lot of fun. Children always enjoy themselves during the performances, and seeing the children having fun and enjoying themselves are the core principles of our performances and events.


Interested on finding out more about our music performances? Contact us here.