We love bringing our programmes and workshops for schools into all types of schools. In saying that, there are some conditions that really help our programmes to flourish in a school. The conditions that help our programmes flourish are:

Workshops for Schools- Five Things We Love From Schools

1 – Firstly, a welcoming and supportive school staff who want to see the programme work and understand that learning an instrument is a process that takes time.

2 – Secondly, a suitable room to deliver classes in – there’s nothing worse than being in a room that’s too small or a hall with a bad acoustic that makes it difficult for the pupils/ children to hear what you are saying.

3 – Thirdly, good lines of communication between the school and the Mobile Music School is essential for a successful programme. Programmes in schools that are approachable and understanding are the ones that achieve the best outcomes and run successfully for years!

4 – Fourthly, clear objectives for the programme are important. Some schools book us to deliver a programme. The programme may have a specific purpose like preparing a class to sing at a Christmas Show but only find out about the objective 2 weeks beforehand. This makes it a challenge to practice something that will sound great on the day of the performance. Whereas, had the school of told us about this objective before the programme started there would be no difficulty in covering and practicing something with the class.

5 – Finally, a commitment to booking our programmes well in advance. This will ensure we have appropriate time to organise and schedule the most suitable tutor to deliver the classes. Further, this means we have time to accommodate any special requests a school may have!


If your school fits into the description above and you want to discuss what we can do for you drop us a note to arrange a call.