The Mobile Music School regularly delivers workshops to Transition Year students to help reinforce some of the concepts from the music curriculum, as well as encouraging those who don’t play music to take an active part in music making.

The aim of this once-off workshop we delivered to the students of Beneavin College, Finglas, was to instill in students the ability to work in teams, to communicate effectively, think creatively and to learn and progress in a considered and calm manner.

The workshop commenced with some fun-based warm-ups and energizers to break the ice and get everyone moving. We then went on to a simple vocal warm-up, which they all joined in on and sounded great.






Once the group were warmed-up and ready to go, we worked on a straight-forward routine from WONDERLAND. The group were then able to incorporate some basic staging and movement as they sang ‘Avenue Q’.

After finishing up with some scenes from Grease, the workshop culminated in an end-of-session ‘performance piece’, consisting of all the material learned that day.

What a jam-packed hour it was! We got a lot covered thanks to the students’ hard-work and enthusiasm.

Once the workshop was completed, the school was then presented with a certificate of completion for each pupil. These certificates are presented to the students at the end of year Transition Year Graduation/ Ceremony.


For additional information on any of our music workshops or programmes, please contact Shay on 087 299 5666 or at