The Mobile Music School have worked extensively with Transition Year students and JCSP class groups for initiatives such as arts, culture and friendship week. As well as having a strong musical element, our workshops simultaneously act as team-building and confidence development workshops.

The aim of our music workshops is to enable students to find hidden talents and to explore music through a hands-on music session. Our experienced and professional music tutors actively encourage pupils to work collectively to develop a sense of team within groups.

Upon completion we present each Transition Year coordinator with certification of participation that can be presented to the students during the Transition Year awards ceremony/ graduation night.

The transition year workshops we offer include:


‘Let’s Drum’

These drumming workshops for schools are active, hands-on and interactive sessions that enable students to explore the sounds of the percussion family. Transition year students will get the chance to work in small teams to create rhythms of their own, whilst developing their rhythmical ability and musical techniques.


‘Let’s Sing’

Our singing workshops for schools encourage students to explore their voice through set activities and songs. These transition year workshops are hugely educational to every student, regardless of their singing ability. Students are encouraged to project their voice correctly and to speak within a range that is comfortable to them – an important life skill for public speaking and debating.


‘A Musical Slice’

Our musical theatre workshops for schools recreate a ‘slice’ of a well-known musical through singing, movement and drama. These transition year workshops aim to boost students’ self-esteem and confidence in performing, while developing their creativity and showmanship in a relaxed, open environment.


More from the Mobile Music School

Last week, our creative director, Shay, attended the Transition Year Teachers’ Professional Networking conference in Athlone. If you didn’t catch us at the conference, please get in touch with us on 087 299 5666 or at  to discuss these TY music workshops in further detail. For more information, please see the Workshop section of our Secondary Schools page, or our FAQ section.


Related posts:

Drumming Workshops for Schools: Cork

Workshops for JCSP Schools

Recording and Performing Workshops for Schools