Here at the Mobile Music School, we pride ourselves on delivering high quality primary school music classes nationwide. Each year we deliver workshops, short programmes, and classroom music programmes to hundreds of schools, libraries, youth centres and language schools nationwide! Each week, our tutors are working hard across the country to provide high quality music education to students.

This week, we’ll be taking a deep dive into our Recorder and Tin Whistle programmes- what they are, what’s involved, and when a school might be interested. Read on to learn more about these fantastic primary school programmes!

Primary School Music- Recorder and Tin Whistle Classes

Our recorder and tin whistle programmes for primary schools, are a simple and affordable way for schools to introduce students to the world of music, and to develop a successful music programme with tangible results. With both the recorder and tin whistle being a low cost instrument option, schools can add these to the booklist at the start of the year. This means children have the opportunity to own their very own musical instrument, and they will be able to practise at home too!

Recorder/ Tin Whistle in the Classroom enables schools to offer weekly music classes taken by a specialist tutor. With enjoyable music and backing tracks, our classes aim to develop the technical and musical abilities of pupils, whilst allowing their musical awareness, confidence and self-esteem to grow.

What’s involved?

These weekly Recorder classes aim to develop a set of musical skills in every pupil as their technical ability to play the recorder improves. This programme covers a range of repertoire from our set and choice list. Our set lists are the mandatory pieces of music we deem necessary to teach, so as each child’s technical ability improves, while the choice songs are used as supplementary material. Additional content includes singing to develop aural awareness, musical games, listening activities, composition, music notation and music theory.

How do these classes work in schools?

Our Tin Whistle and Recorder programmes can last anywhere between 18-30 weeks. A school will choose either tin whistle or recorder to work on for the year, and schools/students provide their own tin whistles. This programme is not suitable for junior classes, as they don’t have the dexterity in their fingers just yet! We offer Learn & Explore to the Junior class. Learn and Explore develops transferable musical skills in children that they can later utilise when learning a musical instrument. For more info on our Let’s Explore programme, check out our blog post here.

For senior classes, we offer instrumental tuition by allowing schools to focus on one of the following: Recorder or Tin Whistle.

Our tutor will come to your school weekly, and take the same classes each week. A full day consists of either 6x45mins classes, or 8×30 mins.

If one of our music programmes is of interest to you, please contact us to discuss what we can do for you in further detail.