Encompassing many elements from our once-off percussion workshops for schools and our ‘Let’s Drum’ short programme, ‘Percussion in the Classroom’ ensures that the world of music is explored in a fun, calm and structured manner.

As drums excite every child, our percussion project has proven popular with girls and boys alike. Each student is given the opportunity to perform on their chosen instrument during percussion ensemble performances.

One of our long-term percussion projects is ongoing in Gaelscoil an Bhradáin Feasa, where the pupils are continuing to enjoy their ‘Percussion in the Classroom’ programme.

We are currently working with second, fourth, fifth and sixth classes. During our classes, we are focusing on music theory, reading music notation and performing in percussion ensembles.

This month we are focusing on putting the finishing touches on some of the pieces of percussion music we have learned. We can’t wait hearing the end result in a few short weeks’ time!


Rang 5 recently learned this Blink 182 song by TG Lurgan. They did a great job and had a lot of fun performing it for each other.


To experience our percussion music in the classroom, please contact us today.