Our first round of TY workshops in Killina Presentation Secondary School were a huge hit! This year we had the pleasure of being invited by Ms Kavanagh to deliver two 4-week drumming blocks as part of our ‘Let’s Drum’ workshop series. Mobile Music tutor Shay started with the first group in October and finished up in November. We can’t wait for round two now!
‘Let’s Drum’ – Drumming Workshops for Secondary Schools
Each group received an 80 minute, hands-on drumming workshop, full of fun and energetic activities. Mobile Music tutor Shay always ensures that each music session is interactive and engaging, and creates an environment that is relaxing and open for every student to express themselves.
Percussion Progression
The students actively engaged throughout each class and went from a group of students who had little or no musical skills and knowledge to a group who could perform as part of a drumming ensemble, read music notation, create rhythms and patterns of their own; and take on leadership roles with the group.
TY Workshops – Techniques
With these TY workshops, the students showed great enthusiasm and managed to cover a wide range of material, including extensive ear training and instrument technique. We also mixed up the drumming workshops by adding some energetic samba drumming and African drumming styles. Some other basic music notation included minims, crotchets, quavers and semi-quavers and their associated rests. Shay and the students had a ball exploring the role of the composer and experimenting with how to create rhythms, which they performed for the entire class group
Cheer Squad
Cheer Squad is a fun piece of drumming music which splits the class into two parts and is based on a rhythm and chant usually heard at a football or rugby match. This feature of our TY workshops also includes Off-Beat – a 4-part piece of percussion music, which was composed a number of years ago by Shay himself.
More TY Music to Come…
We are very pleased with the skills obtained and abilities that were developed over the course of the programme and very much look forward to returning to the school in April to work with the other group of Transition Years.
More from the Mobile Music School
The Mobile Music School are available to deliver drumming, percussion, African hand drumming and samba drumming workshops in schools in Dublin, Leinster, Waterford, Cork, Limerick and Galway. To learn more about our drumming workshops for schools, please visit the secondary school page of our website. If you are interested in one of our TY workshops, please get in touch with us via our contact page to discuss these options in more detail.
Related posts:
Percussion in the Classroom: Exciting Percussion Performances
Samba Sounds: Samba Workshops for Schools
Natural Rhythms: African Drumming Workshops for Schools