Goal setting is a very useful way of ensuring you achieve your full potential in any aspect of life. In music practice, realistic and achievable goal setting can be the key to achieving your musical potential, as well as keeping your motivation high. Proper goal setting can break down larger, off-putting aspirations into stepping stones, making your end goal more achievable.


How do we set realistic and achievable goals?


We can set out a time frame for achieving our goals using the SMART system:


Specific- specific goals are a lot easier to achieve than vague ones. Rather than having your goal as ‘I will learn to play the guitar’, make your goal more specific with a specified time frame, such as: ‘I will learn to play a C Major chord on guitar within the next week’.


Measurable– Will there be a concrete way of measuring whether you have achieved your goal? If not, refine your goal so that it is measurable, and you will know whether you have achieved it.


Attainable- Attainable goals are ones that allow students to go step by step on their journey to achieving their goals. A plan of how to achieve these goals must be in place, not just a list of goals. .


Realistic- Ensure you set goals that can be achieved in the time frame you have set. Setting goals that are too difficult or unrealistic can cause frustration and makes a person more likely to give up.


Timely-  A goal should include a time frame with a concrete end date can give a sense of urgency, kicking the motivation into gear to achieve your goal. The important thing to ensure is that the time frame is realistic.


Using the SMART goal setting system to set goals for yourself can ensure you achieve your full potential.

Interested in developing your schools music programme? Why not consider booking the Mobile Music School to deliver lessons or workshops in your school?

For more information about the range of programmes we offer, please contact us at admin@mobilemusicschool.com.